Laura's Invites

Laura & her fiance have been so great to work with. We met the end of 2009 and have been gradually working on getting her wedding suite together.

She originally wanted a charcoal grey and this lighter orange shade called "Kumquat" but upon finalizing artwork she changed to a Platinum pocketfold. Wonderful choice!
We started with a 5"x7" Platinum outer pocketfold with a 2 layer seal, the underneath being the Kumquat color. These are all enclosed in an outer mailing envelope in the Kumquat color as well.

Inside we have a Kumquat mat with the main invitation on the left and in the right hand pocket are the RSVP, with the Kumquat return envelope, along with a directions insert and accommodation information. The simple floral motif gives just the right softness to the crisp platinum & orange colors.

Many thanks to Laura & Daniel. Hopefully these will set the stage for what is sure to be a beautiful event. I appreciate you allowing me to share in your joy!! Menus, programs, place cards and more exciting accompaniments will follow shortly.

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